
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waning moon

To judge by the trailers, I predict The Twilight Saga: New Moon will lag far behind the cult following of the first installment. That’s because I doubt female teenyboppers find werewolves nearly as romantic as vampires. I also doubt the new lead actor has the Poldarkian “vib” they’re pining for.

Gory creature-features are more appealing to teenage boys, though not for romantic reasons.

My guess is this will come on like gangbusters the week it premiers, then plummet thereafter.

Of course, not having been a female teenybopper in a past life, I could be blindsided on this.

Also, to judge by the trailers, the CGI is surprisingly bad. And since the climax of any werewolf flick is the transformation scene, that’s no small deficiency.


  1. You might be surprised, Steve. My little teenybopper sister has a Jacob Black/Taylor Lautner poster thumbtacked over her bed.

    He displaced the Jonas Brothers, so I know he's of no small importance.

  2. Displaced the Jonas brothers? Puppy love is fickle! Beware!

  3. On the other hand, the Wolfman movie with Del Toro and Hopkins looks like it will actually be quite good, judging by the trailer.

  4. CHICK.


    Turn in your man card if you see this.
