
Friday, July 24, 2009


Every once in a while, I have to make a few observations. They're not necessarily observations that no one else has made, but they're the kind of observations no one talks about.

Like how our Arminian brethren have discovered the word "irenic" and like to put it in as many comments as they can post, most often in the accusatory sense to make their use of the term irenic rather ironic. Thus: "The disagreement is surprisingly civil and irenic (which proves that both Peter and Paul know how to disagree with each other without resorting to childish rhetorical tactics as are so often employed by them against non-Calvinists)." (I may have edited that slightly there at the end.) And: "I hope Peter finds this post irenic, as I have tried to be. If he decides to respond I hope he can refrain from the normal, sinful Triablogue behavior of calling names, insulting intelligence, and using abbreviated bad words."

I suppose I could point out the unnecessary comma after the word "normal" in the last quote above, but woe to me if I would be accused of insulting someone's lack of intelligence! After all, the most important thing in my life is to look good in front of irenic Arminians. Because really, who wouldn't want their behavior as the standard of righteousness? (Yes, that sentence has an intentionally ambiguous "their" in there, because that's how I roll.)

Be that as it may, I'm sick of the term irenic. So I offer an exchange. From now on, whenever an Arminian talks about how irenic Arminians are, I'm going to talk about how anfractuous their arguments are. Further, because I care and wish to show the utmost respect for my Arminians, I will no longer engage them as I have up to this point, but will instead view them as intellectual equals, viz.:

Birch's billingsgate vituperation was manifest via the attendant extract: "[I]t should not at all be assumed that any of the five Calvinists who contribute to blogging on Triablogue are born again Christians…" With no pretense proffered in a homogeneous riposte, one must admit it disquieting that this is beheld as a nonpareil rejoinder, though we must receive that the quip is notably breviloquent. Notwithstanding such ephemerality, the postulation merely traduces Triabloggers while proffering no theological remuneration. Consequently, Birch's ejaculation is sub judice inasmuch as Birch himself indites his own injunction. Subsequently, no antiphon is obligatory for it is oft affirmed that the one who would impute malignance in others endows veniality himself.

Thankfully, there is no need for further dialogue with such irenic fellows.


  1. Hi Peter,

    Thank you for your irenic observations.


  2. So I'll take this as a concession then.

    The necessity of that comma could be debated, just so you know. Oop! There's another one!

  3. The traditional rule was that if you could put 'and' between the adjectives they should have a comma:

    The gratuitous, pedantic comment is in the process of being typed.


    My unhealthy skin pallor is the result of infrequent outdoor activity.

    Nowadays, the trend is towards 'open punctuation' i.e. no rules and minimal punctuation.

    So as a matter of pedantry Pike is wrong; he is also correct.

  4. BSman said:
    So I'll take this as a concession then.

    I cannot apprehend the manner in which my missive commits one to such a dismissive parry as to envisage such declaration to be even subordinately an act of concession. Such dubiety merits disparagement vis-à-vis yonder author's spacious, voluminous acumen; the very enterprise I endeavor to eschew discovery amidst my counter to said challenger, lest like folkloric Atlantis my renown flounder as conflagrated coffee in Columbia.

    BSman said:
    The necessity of that comma could be debated, just so you know.

    Verily, the utmost perspicuous proposition is oft contended by obtuse simpletons, but in no manner does that beget validity to solicit animadversion upon my linguistic sagacity.

  5. It takes a special kind of geek to work the names of all five space shuttle orbiters into one conflegrated -- I mean conflated -- response.


  6. Thanks alot, Peter; I had to lower the sensitivity of my browser's profanity filter to view Triablogue today.

  7. Rhology,

    Next time, I'll abbreviate the "bad word."

  8. Quad,

    I'm not a geek, I'm a nerd.

  9. BTW, for those concerned with my attitude regarding Arminians, I do freely acknowlege that Arminians will reach heaven before Calvinists. For Paul himself states in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, "The dead in Christ will rise first."

  10. "for those concerned with my attitude regarding Arminians"

    Hi Peter,

    What's your attitude toward this Arminian on this thread at Between Two Worlds in response to an essay by John Piper?

  11. Where do you find these guys, TUAD?

