
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The International Jewish Violinist Conspiracy

A friend has drawn my attention to a hydrophobic post by Jay Dyer:

As you’re recall, Dyer is the Protestant turned Catholic turned Orthodox turned Catholic turned…

First thing I’d say is that anyone who anticipates coming into contact with Mr. Dyer should have a rabies shot as a precautionary measure.

Regarding the “substance” of his post:

1. It's true, of course, that Jews are disproportionately represented in certain fields. That, of itself, isn't very meaningful. For instance, I can’t help noticing that popes often have Italian surnames.

2. By the same token, Dyer might as well develop a conspiracy theory about the dominance of Jewish violinists.

On second thought…Dyer may already have a well-developed conspiracy theory about the dominance of Jewish violinists. Clearly, this high-strung infiltration is just the prelude to full-scale invasion.

3. There are some obvious inconsistencies in his theory:

i) It's not as if Jewish physicians only abort gentile babies. Israel has a very lenient abortion policy.

ii) And it's not as if Jewish physicians go out of their way to murder gentile patients.

On second thought…given Dyer’s suspicions, I’d suggest, if he ever lands in the ER, to carefully check the nametag of the attending physician. If it begins with a Gold- or Rosen- prefix, that’s a very ominous development.

As a precautionary measure, Dyer should learn a few Yiddish expressions and have a Star of David tattooed on his tuckus.

4. His comment on Exod 21:22-23 is odd:

i) He misinterprets the passage.

ii) Moreover, it's hard to square his comment with belief in the divine inspiration of the OT. Yet, as a conservative Catholic, that ought to be an article of faith.

5. Needless to say, many liberal Catholic officials have also been instrumental in creating and preserving our current abortion policy, so he leaves his own flank wide open to counterattack.

6. I also don't see why a conservative Catholic would oppose a ban on abortion.

7. On the other hand, there's a certain amount of official anti-Semitism in traditional Catholic theology, so to that extent his Catholicism dovetails with his anti-Semitism.


  1. Perhaps we can direct whoever hacked into the Butler-Harris website to Dyer's website.

  2. LOL. Steve, your response here is great.

  3. TurretinFan is doing a series of blog posts addressing Dyer:

  4. I thought you would appreciate someone speaking out against abortion in general, and identifying a group of people that are very active in promoting the pro-choice agenda. Whether he is Catholic or Orthodox or an atheist, what does that matter?


    “I thought you would appreciate someone speaking out against abortion in general, and identifying a group of people that are very active in promoting the pro-choice agenda.”

    We don’t need crackpots like Dyer representing the prolife cause. They merely bring the prolife cause into disrepute.

    In his hands, the prolife cause is discredited by association with all his paranoid conspiracy theories.

    “Whether he is Catholic or Orthodox or an atheist, what does that matter?”

    That’s very one-sided of you. It’s not as if Dyer refrains from attacking Protestant theology as long as Protestant theologians are prolife.

    So, if your objection is sincere, you ought to admonish him not to attack evangelicals who support the prolife cause? Are you going to leave a comment on his blog to that effect?

  6. LOL. so,I had the honor of mr. dyer gracing me with his presence- his 130+ IQ and all. I wish I had heeded your advice. It seems that his reputation is an accurate depiction. But I do not think he is foaming at the mouth, more so I think he has a severe case of dry mouth.

    Jay does not speak his message in love but in a shroud of paranoia and fear. None of his blog post edify. Even his 'humor' is non-ecumenical (

    I will continue to pray for Mr. Dyer's peace and I hope that one day he'll target his intellect and giftings in a spirit-led way. Right now, it seems he is still seeking and with fear; therefore he covers his fear with arrogance and pretension. I believe he will be an amazing man of God if he gets back a teachable spirit /meekness.

    "Unless you give up your right to understand, you cannot experience the peace that passes understanding."
