
Friday, August 29, 2008



I'm a big fan of this show [the Sarah Connor Chronicles].

Your objection that it should have been written so as not to undercut gender-stereotypes is problematic for three reasons.

You mean feminist gender-stereotypes of the Hollywood superheroine variety?

First, because not all women in real life fit the stereotype, whether you like it or not.

I assume you’re referring to something like this:

Or this:

Second, because a woman who fits all the stereotypes would not be entertaining to watch.

It might not be as unintentionally entertaining as WBAN, but normal men and women also enjoy watching normal men and women behaving normally. I realize that’s an alien concept to you.

And third, because you are reinforcing the stereotype of evangelicals as backwards and gender-repressive.

“Gender-repressive”? You mean self-hating androgynes, bigenders, Genderqueers, and butch-femme feminists?


  1. Steve,
    Would you mind if your daughter or niece (assuming you had one) wanted to get involved in martial arts or the military or other activities generally dominated by males? Or would you counsel her that it would be abnormal and advise against it?

  2. I don't believe the Bible is against war-like or aggressive behavior in women, per se. Driving a tent peg through someone's head is hardly considered dainty.

  3. You just had to bring up that biblical example, didn't ya Mathetes?

  4. "I don't believe the Bible is against war-like or aggressive behavior in women, per se. Driving a tent peg through someone's head is hardly considered dainty."

    The ironic thing is that this was ordained as a PUNISHMENT for the men. It wasn't the norm. The men should have killed him.

    I'm not sure why Judges is always sourced to try to blur gender distinctions... a major theme in Judges is that everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes, everyone is disobedient, and in this particular case, the failure of men to be men.
