
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Pagan Christianity

Peter Jones, expert on gnosticism and paganism, member of my church, and one time friend of John Lennon (!), has reviewed Viola and Barna's new book, Pagan Christianity.


  1. I remember reading Jones' "Stolen Identity" about the time that the DaVinci Code was really popular. It was very well done and helpful at explaining the tenets of Gnosticism.

  2. I read Pagan Christianity and loved it. One of the best books I've ever read. I think Peter's review was pretty biased. Check out these reviews

  3. Donald, not very informative. It's not automatically bad that something is "biased." So, I really have no clue what you're referring to. Also, Peter was pointing out that the book had nothing really to do with *paganism*. As a recognized expert in that field, don't you think his opinion should carry weight? Lastly, one of the "best" books you've "ever" read?
