
Monday, October 29, 2007

Oil & Water

This is the LORD'S doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
Thank all of you for your prayers, and to the bloggers, thank you for taking time to write on this subject. Please continue to keep this in the minds of your readers and the people populating your local churches.

The effect of the rain on the drought locally in NC:

1. Siler City's water supply was extended by 120 days.
2. Greensboro, NC's water supply, extended by 1 month; Lake Townsend up by 60 %
3. High Point, NC, one of their two reservoirs is overflowing its dam by five inches.

The earth was softened for many farmers. There is hope that they will be able to plant their crops. The rains were very good for our basins. Some areas received as much as 7 inches!

I have no word on the effects on Atlanta, GA or Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC, the areas in grave need.

Please continue your prayer. We still need great amounts of rain in these plays.

Also, consider too the rising prices of oil on the market. This will affect those with heating oil costs, particularly the elderly, disabled, etc. It is my understanding that much of this price increase is related to speculation as well as a temporary cut in production in Mexico. Particularly pray the Lord will bend the hearts of greedy men who do this and those who supply it and move them such that the price of oil lowers and comes under control. Also pray for the US dollar itself to strengthen.

The Lord uses these sorts of things to drive His people to pray for His mercy. Let us not be seen ungrateful. Take time to thank our God for His mercy and goodness, and let us watch and pray, interceding for the wicked generation of which we are a part and repenting of the wickedness in ourselves.


  1. Re: “Also pray for the US dollar itself to strengthen.

    A “Federal Reserve Note” is not a U.S.A. dollar. In 1973, Public Law 93-110 defined the U.S.A. dollar as having the value of 1/42.2222 fine troy ounces of gold.

  2. Lamont said
    Uh... poll-vaulting over mouse droppings?
