
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tom Ascol - Interview with the Baptist Center

Recommended reading.


  1. Dear Triablogue people. I am an atheist. I'd like to debate you. How do you debate in here? Show me I am "irrational". I heard that's what you do.

  2. Mike,

    Thank you for your question.

    A. When you say "debate" to you mean a formal debate (verbal) or an informal written debate?

    I am assuming you mean the latter. The former option is generally better requested at at site like Gene Cook's Narrow Mind Broadcast.

    B. Assuming you mean the latter, one way to do this would be for you to start a blog and post some articles, then draw our attention there. Be sure your articles are focused and not "all over the place" because, remember, you are writing for the readers / audience not just you and an/the author/s here. For example, posting 101 questions for Christians isn't the best route. Posting on something like, "Objective morality is an illusion" is much more focused.

    C. Alternatively, you could interact with (an) article/s from here in the comboxes. However, dragging a discussion from one topic to the other that is not pertinent to the topic at hand would not be the best way, eg. posting here in this thread about what Manata or Pike wrote isn't the best idea.

    D. Remember, we all have lives in the real world, so you may not get an immediate reply.

    E. And that gets to to contacting a particular author for interaction if you did not receive a reply but really want him to do so. Emails can be found in our individual profiles; if you want to contact a particular author here and can't find his contact information, then email another one of us and ask us to forward your message to him.

  3. I'm not a Triablogger, but I'd say that when you show up someplace and post a comment like that, your irrationality is self-evident. If you can't understand how that's so, you further illustrate the point.

  4. Gene,

    Your kindness humbles me. I posted my comment and immediately regretted it. I will go back to lurking again.


    When there are hundreds of pages of debate on a site of meticulous argumentation, it is mind-boggling to me to see someone ask how they "argue" here. Even still, I shouldn't have posted what I did, this isn't my place. I apologize.

  5. Dear Gene

    Here is my blog

    Please take a look and let's debate. Thanks.
