
Friday, August 24, 2007

Christians: See any EMERGENT problems here?

While currently doing a study on the emergent/emerging church movement(s), I found this video clip of "Solomon's Porch" rather interesting.

HT: Steve Camp


  1. Pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me that's a parody!

    WOW! POMOism gone wild!

  2. The girl toward the end summed it up: "We're pretty screwed up in actuality."

    Congratulations, all you young hipsters: you've discovered 60's liberalism. How "cutting edge" you are!

  3. Wow, unbelievable!!

    I believe CHrist was mentioned....what, two times in the entire video that establishes who they are?

    Change the adjective to scary.

  4. "...everyone has the right to speak for God..." that case, speaking for God I command thee to stop!

    (Somehow I don't think this will work.)

  5. I guess I see why they call it Solomon's Porch. And how did Solomon end up.....

  6. I would have commented that this is an excellent exposé, except it turns out not to be meant as an exposé. Oh well. It serves the same function for any discerning Christian: this is church the way the heathens like it.

  7. GET OFF THE TRACKS, A TRAIN IS COMING AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE KILLED!!!!! Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. Just stay on the tracks until you're comfortable enough to come off of them. Or maybe getting killed on the tracks would be a really great way of creating some art. You know art imitates "life".

  8. I enjoy fighting atheists far more than debating theology with fellow Christians. Over the years i have found a kind of patient "By their fruits ye shall know them"- "the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it", analysis works best. Having watched all sorts of theological movements over the last 50 years I can say that in time the truth will out and you generally get to see whether they are a ministry blessed of and by God and are worthy and effectual in their works.
