
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grandma Got Run Over By A Mugger


`There is one general law [natural selection] leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die'. - Charles Darwin



When male lions reach sexual maturity they tend to leave the pride otherwise they will have to challenge the dominant male in the pride. Once the young males leave the pride they start searching for other prides where they challenge the dominant males to be able to join the pride. Being younger and stronger, the young males usually kick the old males out, and moreover they kill the old males' cubs to provide better chance for their own cubs.


Territory; lions are social animals, unlike most other members of the cat family, living in a pride (family group) with between 20 and 30 members. Some prides have just one male, others up to four. Lions are strongly territorial and will fight off any strange male who tries to enter their territory. Fights can be vicious, often not ending until one lion is dead. The winner takes over dominance of the territory, and the pride. Old or injured lions who have lost their territory often die trying to fend for themselves.



Wild Facts

Only the strong survive

Predators often catch and kill the weakest animals in the population. Biologists think that wolves tend to kill young, old, weak, or injured moose and deer because they are not able to swiftly escape wolf attacks. The wolf is actually strengthening the moose population by removing the old and sick and leaving the healthiest to have young.


NEW YORK - For a moment, the man in the grainy video looks like a good Samaritan holding the door open for an elderly neighbor. Then he turns and delivers three sharp punches to the 101-year-old woman’s head.


The 85-year-old woman believed to be the mugger’s second victim, Solange Elizee, told police she was punched and pushed to the floor outside her apartment door by a man who had initially offered to help her get home.


Grandma got run over by a mugger
Walking home from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there are such things as ethics,
But as for me and Darwin, we disbelieve.

She'd been trusting too much in Darwinian society,
And we'd begged her not to go.
But she'd left her medication,
So she stumbled out the door into the snow.

When they found her Christmas mornin',
At the scene of the attack.
There were knuckle prints on her forehead,
And incriminatin' Mugger marks on her back.

Grandma got run over by a mugger,
Walkin' home from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there are such things as ethics,
But as for me and Darwin, we disbelieve.

Now were all not so proud of our fellow Darwinists,
They've been being inconsistent so well.
See them in there watchin' the nightly news,
Drinkin' beer and condeming the mugger's actions as not so swell.

It's not Christmas without Grandma.
All the family's dressed in black.
And we just can't help but wonder:
Why care when the elderly are under attack?

Grandma got run over by a mugger,
Walkin' home from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there are such things as ethics,
But as for me and Grandpa, we disbelieve.

Now we all know ethics is a fable.
And the strong will survive to live.
Maybe next time they'll beat down old aunt Mable,
And pull the hair out of your Grandma's wig.

I've warned all my friends and neighbours.
"Better watch out for Grandma."
If we live in Darwin's world,
Who cares if a man gives her a Cerebral edema?

Grandma got run over by a mugger,
Walkin' home from our house, Christmas eve.
You can say there are such things as ethics,
But as for me and Darwin, we believe.


Exodus 20:12 Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.


Q. 123. Which is the fifth commandment?

A. The fifth commandment is, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Q. 124. Who are meant by father and mother in the fifth commandment?

A. By father and mother, in the fifth commandment, are meant, not only natural parents, but all superiors in age and gifts; and especially such as, by God’s ordinance, are over us in place of authority, whether in family, church, or commonwealth.

-Westminster Larger Catechism


Don't be jealous that you've been borrowing from my worldview when you've been condemning these recent attacks on the elderly.


  1. "Grandma got run over by a mugger..."

    Makes you glad that God is in control of everything, don't it?

  2. "Olmsbey got run over by his own straw man..."

  3. Looks like Olsmbey got mugged by anonymous!

    ...who's also his grandma.....

  4. I'm paul manata
    and I'm on the mike
    gonna hip to the hop
    thro gods holy reich

    If yo' diss my god
    say he ain't all that
    gonna convince ya'
    with my base ball bat

    my rythms smooth
    and my chin is high
    if you dis my god
    your teeth will fly

    I'll knock you down
    my tail will wag
    as I nail yo' punk
    with a well placed "TAG"

    coz I believe in my god
    the big fai-ry
    due to the impossibility
    of the con tra ry

    my x-ian rhymes gonna
    be so sweet
    they make no sense
    byt I'll have you beat

    if you dare to question
    and I lose my faith
    my fist will quickly
    find your face

    so don't you dare
    disturb my cool
    coz without god
    I'm a raving fool!

  5. The fascinating thing about Darwinism as a belief system is that, while touting differential reproduction as one of the driving factors, it is actually counter-reproductive.

    Typically, most children will maintain the worldview of their parents, to the tune of about 80% penetration, unless the children are exposed to excess indoctrination from another source. Therefore the worldview of him who has the most grandchildren will tend to prevail.

    Witness my own family. I'm the youngest of 4, the last generation in which atheists would still have a medium-sized family, my parents both being Godless. My 3 older sibs are still atheists. I'm the black sheep of the family, being a rightwing conservative orthodox (small 'o') Christian. Only one of my sibs has kids, and he has 2. I suspect he'll be lucky to get 2 grandchildren from them. I have 4 kids, and my oldest (already in college) plans to have 6 himself. Guess who will win the grandchild wars? Particularly since I have not gratuitously allowed my kids to be indoctrinated in the atheist worldview (i.e., we homeschool them). As more and more theists do the same, I suspect we will see the highwater mark of atheism fairly soon. Just think of it as evolution in action. Survival of the fittest. Last man standing.

  6. I'm Paul's mugga
    and it's hard to talk
    cause my mouf fulla boogas
    but I'm jelous of this theist so I continue to stalk

    But he's gone to far
    My Grandma he did diss
    if I find him in da street
    he gonna meet my fiss

    I'm the a-theist rappa
    I'm Darwinian, down with tha old
    So take my Grandma
    And slap her

    My Grandpa was a monkey
    Daddy's toes are funky
    My Momma's trunk is junky
    and my wife dresses frumpy

    I don't spit no arguments
    All I do is rap
    Worldview sucks, can't I take a hint
    Betta smoke mo weed, and take a nap

    Whachew gonna do
    So what I use the word "byt"
    I'm a atheist foo
    Gotta lay off tha crack pype

    I'm a Manata groupie
    So give me tha mike
    Cause atheist arguments are like diapers that be poopy

    I act like a baby
    My tactics they be shady
    My dog gave me rabies
    And my girlfriend gave me scabies

    And that my friend
    will fulfill my atheist part
    as I come to the end...
    ... oh shoot, did I just shart!

  7. Paul Manata, good job, I need to read this later though as I'm finishing up a paper for my class...please pray for me.

    Something about you, when you post here on Triablogue, all the weirdos come out and now they are even rapping!

  8. Allah frowns upon your mockery. Hellfire and destruction await you.

  9. :::YAWN!!!:::

    Who knows what to believe when Paul (or one of his MANY aliases) posts something on here?

    Paul's lying online has made him the laughingstock of his peers and detractors.


  10. So since you're me, they're laughing at you. You like apples? How 'bout dem apples?

  11. HA! Since I'm Paul, and Paul is me, they're all laughing at me!!!

    How's dem cherries beeyotch?

    Its like a quite that climbs into his grandpa's lap, and then gets knocked about by the very oxygen he's breathing.

    that's logic my friend, and the impossibility of what is arbitrary!

    Boo yeah!

    I'm Paul, and I rule!!!

  12. Anonymous wrote,

    "it's like a 'quite"' at climbs into his grandpa's lap?"

    What a dork! LOL

    Oh, you must really be Paul Manata trying to make an atheist look stupid. Bravo! Good one Paul. Funny stuff. That couldn't have been a real atheist because "they so smart."

  13. I can tell that 'anonymous' poster is Paul, because he can't spell either!



  14. Yes, Paul Manata, REAP THE WHURLWIND, you tard!


    Atheism will WIIIINNNNNNN!

  15. Anonymous,

    "Its like a quite that climbs into his grandpa's lap, and then gets knocked about by the very oxygen he's breathing."

    See, it was PAUL MANATA, he's so stoopid he spells "kid" as "quite."

    And, he committed the fallacy of reification, like he does with logic! Doesn't he know that "quite" isn't a "thing" than can "climb in a lap?"

    That stoopid retard!

    Reap my WIND, your turd.

  16. Boys, boys, boys....

    You can't beat can't break me....and you can't take me.

    How's dem apples?

    - PM

  17. Just so you know for next time, I sign off with a "~" not a "-."

    So, it's: ~PM

    If you're gonna pretend to be me, the least you can do is get it right.

    Huh, that's a cool thought, I have atheists pretending to be me.

    Now *that's* funny.

    I used to pretend I was Superman when I was about 5.

    Do you guys have your Manata underoos on?

    Anyway, find something new. You lose the intellectual war, the cut down war, the sarcasm war, the humor war, you lose it all.

    Welcome to atheism, where losers go.

    Get a life.


  18. ha ha ha

    Paul is feeling guilt again about his little Discomfiter scam, and now is deleting posts by the Discomfiter!

    How cute!!!!

    what a maroon...

  19. Huh?

    I'd do the discomfiter 1,000 times over.

    I don't even see your purpose for posting in this combox.

    Does what you have to say have *anything* to do with the topic of my post?

    Are you this infatuated with me?

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered. Just seems odd that you're this hung up on me. I didn't realize I had such an affect on the lives of young teenage atheists. To think of all the good you could be doing with your time, but instead you spend every waking moment thinking about me. Kind of sad, actually.

  20. I'm paul manata
    and I'm on the mike
    gonna hip to the hop
    thro gods holy reich

    If yo' diss my god
    say he ain't all that
    gonna convince ya'
    with my base ball bat

    my rythms smooth
    and my chin is high
    if you dis my god
    your teeth will fly

    I'll knock you down
    my tail will wag
    as I nail yo' punk
    with a well placed "TAG"

    coz I believe in my god
    the big fai-ry
    due to the impossibility
    of the con tra ry

    my x-ian rhymes gonna
    be so sweet
    they make no sense
    byt I'll have you beat

    if you dare to question
    and I lose my faith
    my fist will quickly
    find your face

    so don't you dare
    disturb my cool
    coz without god
    I'm a raving fool!

  21. Warning notice: This comment is going to be boring to anyone looking for rap and insults. Might as well go read something else.

    Referring to the form of the post: it's a creative perody.
    Referring to the theme of the post: I have more trust in the ethics of someone who cares for Grandma as a human being, than for someone who cares for Grandma because God commanded it and God will punish those who break the commandment.

    Belief systems are not a reliable indicator of moral character, nor is moral character a reliable indicator of intellectual belief. Statistically, more Christians abuse the elderly than atheists, simply because there are more Christians than there are atheists.
    This is no more relevant to the philosophical analysis of atheism than it is to the philosophical analysis of Christianity.

  22. Nice try, Anitra.

    May as well go and murder a few million jews, or abuse some little kids, because you have no transcendent reason not to!

    Boo yeah!

    Christian Theism: 1
    Atheist Anitra: 0

  23. Anitra,

    "Referring to the theme of the post: I have more trust in the ethics of someone who cares for Grandma as a human being, than for someone who cares for Grandma because God commanded it and God will punish those who break the commandment."

    Despite the straw man of Christian ethics, the point is that given a Darwinian outlook, what's wrong with taking advantage of the elderly? The point is, if you're going to show moral outrage here , why not show it for the elderly Caribou the wolves attack? Are you invoking speciesism?

    Moreover, you're confusing why someone might chose to act ethically, with reasons or justifications for ethics.

    "Statistically, more Christians abuse the elderly than atheists, simply because there are more Christians than there are atheists. "

    By this line of reasoning, Christians are smarter and more intellectual, and more scientifically correct than atheists, simply because there are more Christians than atheists.

    Thanks for the easy target.


  24. Anitra,

    Atheists, and their ilk, such as yourself, will soon bow before the Christian Dominionist leadership that my fellow Calvinistic Reformed Believers are working towards. First the US, and then the world will be brought into submission to Christ.

    You may as well start the bowing now, because it is inevitable.

    But you atheists morons never get it....

  25. Dobson,

    Not if Harris, Dawkins, and the rest of the new atheists get their way.

    Not if guys like the 'rational response squad' get their way - they think theists should be put in mental institutions.

    So, your point about Christians, given what the mainstream of atheism is saying, makes you look like either an ignoramous, a hypocrit, or a wishful thinker. Which is it?

  26. Ah Paul, once again you are so confused. I am on your side!!! And I am pleased to notice that you too share my philosophy of DOMINIONISM!!!

    They shall bow!!!!
