
Friday, February 09, 2007

Around the World in Eighty Daze

It looks like Paul Owen has gone from being a Mormon to being…to being…well, it doesn’t appear that he’s gone anywhere except for taking the long way round to end up right back at square one. He’s racked up a lot of mileage just to come full circle. He could have saved himself a lot of gasoline by sparing himself the roundtrip from Salt Lake City to Salt Lake City.

Jesus on the outside, Moroni on the inside. Welcome to the Church of the Latter Day Repaint.

Isn’t catholicity wonderful?


  1. Woops.

    Something tells me he wouldn't appreciate the opening paragraph in my newest blog entry.

  2. On a more serious note, I've never understood the appeal some people give to religions of a singular prophetic figure, or, what I like to call, one-dimensional revelation.

    It demands trust of the prophetic figure without much hope of corroborative evidence.

    Sure, miracles can attest to authenticity, however, if the only miracle is the revelation itself, the only thing left is blind trust.

  3. He's going to a conference at SEBTS too. Dr. Robinson was my NT professor. Great guy.

    But isn't this just a little weird? I mean this is a guy that can't abide Baptists...

  4. Owen is getting flack for his post on his own web site. A former Mormon has some very insightful comments over there regarding what Owen is saying. The sad part is seeing his fans back up anything he says. I wish one of his regulars (besides Peter, that is, he usually has something solid and edifying to say) would call him out when he writes things like "We (Christians and Mormons) profess to love and serve the same God, and we serve the same Jesus". Is he:

    A) Deluded
    B) Confused
    C) Ignorant
    D) Deceitful
    E) Evil
    F) All of the above

  5. Gene,

    For the record, I can "abide" Baptists just fine. I greatly admire the scholarship of many Baptists: Maurice Robinson, Tom Schreiner, Mark Seifrid, John Sailhamer, Clark Pinnock, Timothy George and John Piper just to name a few. When I became department chair at the college where I teach, I argued the case for breaking from previous policy and actually hiring a Baptist to teach Bible and philosophy in the Religion department. Many of my students are Baptists (probably about 60%). Maurice Robinson, whom you mentioned, is a wonderful man, who has patiently answered many of my questions over email.

    If you are going to attend the SEBTS conference, I would be happy to sit down with you and have a proper visit. I am more than happy to drink a cup of coffee with a Baptist.
