
Saturday, October 21, 2006

John Piper's Biographical Addresses

Earlier this week, Justin Taylor posted a link to a page I want to recommend at the Desiring God web site. It has links to text and audio files for John Piper's biographical addresses. Included are Athansius, Augustine, William Tyndale, John Calvin, William Cowper, and Charles Spurgeon, among others. This is the sort of material Piper has used in his The Swans Are Not Silent book series. If you know somebody you want to get more interested in church history, this material by Piper would be a good introduction. He has a good sense of which issues to focus on and how to present them, and he delivers the material well.


  1. I actually went to Piper's church, Bethlehem Baptist in Minneapolis, MN, in the early 90's.

    He was a dynamic speaker.

    His church split over whether to spend $100,000 on a new organ or helping missions ministries.

    and then, the choir director had an affair with the organist.

    Fun fun fun...

  2. Thanks pointing out the resource. I have been very impressed with Piper's works, and have been edified by what I have heard of his messages.
