
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tim Draculoe Rises from the Dead: The Last Angry Man

August 13, 2006

Tim Enloe: Reformed Polemicist, R.I.P.

I hereby openly repudiate the entire mode of discourse that underlies the materials linked on that page—namely, the fundamentally adversarial mode and its entrenched negative intellectual and social orientation. I deny that truly constructive, properly Christian discourse with other Christians, and chiefly between Catholics and Protestants, can be carried on from an adversarial standpoint. I want nothing to do with this type of “dialogue.” It is a sham that lives in the worst parts of the past (bitterly carrying on the 17th century Wars of Religion by different means) and the worst parts of the present (taking Fundamentalist Protestantism and Fortress Catholicism as normative).

I hereby formally repudiate that mode of discourse and all my doings from within its paradigm. Although there are things within the linked materials with which I would probably still agree and things with which I probably would not, I consign the whole mass to the category of “Fruitless Bickering” carried on, at least from my end, by someone whose priorities were deeply out of order.

A month later—to the day:

Tim Enloe said...

Thanks, Mr. White, for confirming all of my points…Real scholars don't act that way. Propagandists do.

That's OK, though. It's hard work to do real scholarship, and often enough it doesn't pay off in immediate apologetic dividends that the pop-intellect addicts in your chatroom can soak up by osmosis without ever doing any real work for themselves. Hey, we all know that it's really important to provide answers to blowhards like Jerry-Jet and Miki…What a sad spectacle, but then, I gave up expecting any truly scholarly engagement from you on historical and theological matters long ago. You're a smart man; you could do if you wanted to. But alas, in you Fundamentalist apologetics and Modernistic "evangelism" eat everything else up.

As it stands, you're only familiar with one very narrow school of the thing, and can't be taken by any serious student as a reliable source of information about anything outside of that one narrow school.

Thank you for confirming that you have no answers to any of the very serious charges that have been raised against you over the last few years. By your own words--or more frequently, the lack thereof--you are condemned.

1 comment:

  1. why can't these people be true to their word...for once.
