
Sunday, August 13, 2006

WorshipGod '06 Conference Highlights

This past week I was grateful to be able to attend Sovereign Grace Ministries' WorshipGod '06 conference. Here's my top-ten highlights:

10. Being able to sing the Puritan prayers from the Valley of Vision in songs from SGM's new Valley of Vision CD.

9. Meeting the President.

8. Friday night. Wow.

7. Getting to meet and interact with Tim Challies for the first time in person.

6. Getting to meet Scott Hill from Fide-o, and having the joy of being able to watch him expressively enter into worship.

5. Having my vocal technique improved by Todd Twining.

4. Jeff Purswell's message on the dwelling of God. When he hit his fifth point, it was as if he had portrayed the climactic conclusion of all of redemptive history. Wow.

3. Having some excellent and convicting conversations with my worship team.

2. Listening and worshipping to Keith and Kristyn Getty's modern-day hymns. The Power of the Cross is a phenomenal song.

1. Experiencing and enjoying both the objective and the subjective manifestations of the presence of God in worship.

Evan May.


  1. Gee, it all sounds so interesting!

  2. I heard Joel Beke for the first time yesterday. The man IS anointed of the Lord. Revival seemed only a prayer away, and the Glory of the Lord filled the House.

  3. The troubling thing is that, since it apparently was an edifying conference where the Lord met with His people, many of the reformed attendees were not comfortable with what went on during worship. I would expect that at least some will be confused as to how the charismatic portions of the services were wrong since they felt the Lord so near and they were so edified by the preaching. This is how those who formerly had reformed convictions start questioning those convictions and end up compromising the truth. It's one thing to recognize that some well-meaning brethren have less light on the subject of Biblical worship, but it's quite another to make allowances for it since they were sincere and really loved the Lord. While I rejoice that the gospel was preached and God was glorified, I'm grieved about some of the nonsense that passes for worship. "Can all the Katie's step up to the front so I can sing a prophetic song to you"? No thanks Bob, I don't care for your supposedly divine impressions.......

  4. sola fide:

    Just a quick question: did you attend the conference, or are you going on second-hand information?

  5. Hello Evan,

    I'm basing my comments on what was reported on Tim Challies web site (which you linked to). That's all I had to go on, so if I misunderstood what was related, or if I misconstrued what was reported, I apologize....
