
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Simple for simpletons

Mark Cote said:

“Well you can be forgiven of murder right?

Kill them then repent, and ask forgiveness.

It's so simple.

Two souls in heaven, they won.”

It’s only so simple if you happen to have a simple-minded grasp of Christian theology. But God cannot be conned.

Christian forgiveness is not predicated on the idea that we can sin whenever we please, then cynically repent, and God must rubberstamp our calculated manipulation of his promises.

That’s a roadmap to hell, not a roadmap to heaven.


  1. I'm just curious:

    Does Mark really want us to follow his advice?

  2. The problem is that just saying "I'm sorry" isn't real repentance. A truly repentant heart does not say "I'm sorry" to get into heaven, but says "I'm sorry" because it is saddened that it offended God. The entire view of repentence is messed up with this person's post - that is why it smacks of antinomianism.

    BTW, on an offhand note - Evan, I can't access anything on your site. Not the main page and not the archives. Every time I want to read something on Veritas Redux, it says "Page not found." I was wondering if you knew about this.

    God be with you,

    The Aspiring Theologian

  3. Aspiring Theologian:

    Hey man! Good to hear from you. Send me an email some time :-)

    Actually, I haven't been posting on Veritas Redux, so I just removed all posts from the front display.

  4. Evan is on sabbatical. Evan May come back, all is forgiven! :p

    Seriously, do these folks ever stop to consider to whom they are speaking? Let's just lay this out for Mr. Cote. We are Calvinists. We do not affirm easy believism. Paul Manata was right, these apostates are all products of easy believism.

  5. Interestingly, the "sin all you want, then ask for forgiveness" criticism, which Mark here directs at Christianity tout court, is also the same one that, within Christianity, Catholics, Arminians and other hemi-demi-semi-Pelagians direct at Calvinists and Lutherans.

    So what does that tell us...?

  6. Interestingly, the "sin all you want, then ask for forgiveness" criticism, which Mark here directs at Christianity tout court, is also the same one that, within Christianity, Catholics, Arminians and other hemi-demi-semi-Pelagians direct at Calvinists and Lutherans.

    So what does that tell us...?

    Tells us that theological ignorance abounds both within and outside evangelicalism.

  7. Mark Cote actually goes under different pseudonyms. I expose him here.
