
Friday, June 23, 2006

Dumping on Debunker Week (6/23/06)

Commenters over at DC are getting under the thin skin of John Loftus and his fellow Debunkers. Since he can't stand the heat, he's evidently taken to moderating the combox and threatening certain persistent commetators with excommunication. So much for free thought!

So I'll inaugurate a Dumping on Debunker Week every Friday for commenters who were shown the door or otherwise censored to post their critical feedback over there.

This feature will last as long as there is public interest in such a forum.


  1. Loftus banned me for being a presuppositionalist. Now he's espousing what he calls "Control Beliefs." ( ). In defining "control belief" he said:

    "Control beliefs are assumptions/presuppositions, and a more or less consistent set of them is more or less a worldview."

    He also said of them:

    "Assumptions? Presuppositions? Control beliefs? Logic operates based upon them, and so does science."

    To which, all I can respond is: Hey, Loftus--you're welcome!

  2. Mr. Loftus appears to be happy in his little black box. He doesn't want anyone attempting to remove his blinders with cogent argumentation. Light is something he doesn't want shined on his conscience...

    --Jon Unyan

  3. Jon Unyan
    Jo(h)n (B)unyan???

    that is so close, nice! anyways all you guys do a good job kicking some smartdonkeys(TM) God bless you all

    smartdonkeys(TM) is a registered trademark of John Loftus

  4. Lofty-us said:
    This comment of yours spells out exactly why you were banned. You're stupid.

    So stupid you're accepting my argument (while of course relabelling it to "Control beliefs" so it doesn't look like you're accepting it) I see.

    Loftier Than Thou wrote:
    You were banned because you only offered one argument...only one....and we heard it no matter what the topic of conversation was about.

    A) I didn't respond to every topic you brought up. The ones I responded to where the ones that dealt with presuppositions. Amazingly enough those topics got my presuppositional response (interesting how that works).

    B) You never responded to my argument. Even after I challenged you to a debate on the issue. If you "forgot," this will refresh your memory->

    ******** Begin Quote ******

    In any case, I want Loftus to either put up or shut up. If my view is so obviously erroneous, then Loftus should have no problem demonstrating that in an official written debate instead of on a severely limited blog post. I propose the thesis: “Logic presupposes the existence of God.” I will affirm, Loftus denies. I will post the debate on my website and he can post it wherever he sees fit.

    Should Loftus conveniently not have the time to engage in said debate, I am more than willing to debate exbeliever instead. Or anyone else who is a contributor to “Debunking Atheism.” We can hash out details such as how many rounds, length of each section, etc. as soon as someone accepts this challenge.

    If no one bothers to take the challenge, I will be forced to conclude you have no argument against my postion and are only seeking to silence me through threats instead of through a reasoned defense.

    ******** End quote *******

    C) You're now trying to steal my presuppositional argument without admitting that I had a valid philosophical point (since that would naturally be rather embarrasing for you, seeing as how I'm stupid and all).

    So, Omniscient Loftus, how is it that you can call me stupid when you do not engage in the very thing (a moderated written debate) that would demonstrate the intellectual level of both of our positions? The debate challenge is still open, by the way. Here's your chance to prove I'm a "young, immature, and ignorant" theist you old, immature, and ignorant atheist.

  5. Luft Behind wrote:
    Besides, I wouldn't debate a UFO believer or a Hollocaust denier because I only want to engage in fruitful debates (IMO).

    Your website isn't about UFOs or the Hollocaust. But far be it from me to actually ask you to provide a reasoned position on the topic that your own blog is attempting to "debunk."

    I'm calling your bluff Loftus. You can pretend that you're an intellectual elitest who is older and wiser than everyone else on Earth if you want. You can sit there on your ivory throne with the delusion that you're untouchable royalty, but don't be surprised that I will continue to point out the fact that your only throne is still the one in your bathroom.
