
Friday, May 19, 2006

The hillbilly infidel

I see that I’ve been accorded the priceless honor of being blogspotted by Reginald Finley.

He takes offense at something I posted without, however, explaining what was offensive about it.

This proves my motto that the nicest thing about being a rationalist is that you never have to give a reason for your rationalism.

A freethinker is someone who is free not to think.

If you want to know more about Reggie, I’d recommend that you spend some quality time combing through the archives of Frank Walton’s blog, where much illuminating material is contained therein.


  1. Wow!

    Answering a lengthy reasoned argument with

    "Sorry, too long to read and I am a busy fellow.
    In reason,

    Reginald V. Finley, Sr.
    The Infidel Guy"

    Then responding to a followup with

    "Sorry I didn’t read this either."

    You have to admit Steve, it's hard to argue with "reasoning" like that.

  2. if you'd take the time read, you'd notice that "hillbilly atheist" not "infidel guy" linked your blog.

  3. And if you took time to read, you'd notice that I said "hillbilly infidel," not "hillbilly atheist."

    "Hillbilly" is a generic tag-line picking up from the Bethrick thread, whether it's applied to Bethrick, Reggie, or the "hillbilly atheist."

  4. my point is, i dont think reggie finley has even read your blog.
    "hillbilly atheist" is the handle of a poster in the infidel guy forums, he is not the infidel guy himself.

  5. you said

    "I see that I’ve been accorded the priceless honor of being blogspotted by Reginald Finley.

    He takes offense at something I posted without, however, explaining what was offensive about it."

    not true

  6. FYI,

    The Hillbilly Atheist has two teeth, one in his back pocket and one in the roof of his mouth!

    And yes, this is an ad hominem.

    ~ Gene ~

  7. Thank you, I have plenty on Reggie Finley. You can check this out if you like (scroll to the bottom for links). Finley is a completely unscrupulous person. Instead of taking me on he tries to take me out, permanently. Furthermore, he loves to hit-and-run. That's why I've been calling him "Runaway Fibley." The name fits him perfectly.
