
Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Dangers of Scattered Sheep and the Benefits and Means of the Shepherd's Care

Some of you may know that I live in New Orleans, Louisiana, where my church building as well as a large part of the congregation were devastated by Hurricane Katrina (we are meeting on Saturday’s in a borrowed building, our church building being completely destroyed) . I’d like to make available to you a sermon concerning “Scattered Sheep” (click the hyper-link to listen). Many churches in New Orleans have been severely crippled by this storm, some unable to meet together again at all.

This sermon by my well gifted pastor, Keith Collins, reminds us of the importance of shepherds, and the dangers of having scattered sheep. For those of you living outside of New Orleans and perhaps curious about how my particular church has viewed this opportunity, this would be an excellent listen. It is also good for anyone who has yet to be convinced about the importance of Christ’s wise institution of the local church and pastors and teachers as a means of shepherding his sheep.

Evan May.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. The idea is very similar to the message I preached February 26. "Why you HAVE to go to church", which you can see

    Do you have to go to church to be a Christian? No.

    Do you have to go to church WHEN you're a Chrsitian? Yes.

    Even so....
