
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Antonio said...


Antonio said...

Hey Jonathan Moorhead,

Are you really getting a Doctorate?

If you think that Steve Hays blather in the article you link to is a real response to my articles, it would have me wonder very hard at what DTS has come to...

There is not one worthy thing to address in his post. It is blather, assertion, and proof-text without any substance. And his reasoning keeps getting refuted by the Bible by those who believe in grace, time and time again. Steve shows a tremendous hardened heart in his post.



A few quick comments:

1.In the article to which reference is being made, I simply repaid Antonio in his own coin. If he doesn’t like the tone or substance, he can only object on pain of self-incrimination since I was merely pegged the tone and substance of his own drop-dead piece.

2.I have also penned a number of point-by-point rebuttals in which I dryly answer his blunders and assertions.

He hasn’t responded to those either.

3.In addition, I’ve posted material by other leading scholars whom he has studiously ignored.

4.Finally, Jonathan Moorhead is, as a Christian gentleman (and soldier), everything that I am not.

Yet that hasn’t hindered Antonio from treating Jonathan with disdain.

The upshot is that Antonio is transparent poseur and braggadocio. He goes around challenging every Reformed blogger he can spam to a theological duel.

But when some of us take him up on the offer, we’re treated to crybaby rhetoric and a back-patting retreat.


  1. Antonio's mentors aren't very impressive either (Wilkin, Hodges, Dillow, Radamacher, et al).

    Not a serious scholar among the bunch.

  2. The upshot is that Antonio is transparent poseur and braggadocio. He goes around challenging every Reformed blogger he can spam to a theological duel.

    But when some of us take him up on the offer, we’re treated to crybaby rhetoric and a back-patting retreat.

    Indeed. He couldn't even handle more than one question from Cent on Cent's Q & A blog. Then came the hyper-Arminian statement.

    Word to the wise, Antonio, we call folks who say that Arminians can't be Christians hyper-Calvinists. By your last statements pronouncing those who were converted believing Calvinist doctrine, you're making the same error with a different object.
