
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just a li'l survey

This is a survey of T-blog lurkers. Your views are very important to us. Please stay online. A representative will be with you in 72 hrs. or less.

1.Which of the following do you use?

a) Airport card

b) High-speed Internet

c) Dial-up

d) Telegraph

e) Paper airplane

f) Carrier pigeon

h) Pony express

i) USPS (only as last resort)

2. Which of the following weblogs have you frequented over the last 60 days? (check all that apply)

a) Triablogue

b) Pyromanic

c) Centuri0n

d) Communio Sanctorum

e) Hugh Hewitt

f) James White

g) Jews for Jesus

h) Andrew Sullivan

i) World Magazine

j) Albert Mohler

k) First Things

l) Michael Medved

k) Dennis Prager

l) Richard Land

m) Weekly Standard

n) National Review

o) Washington Times

p) WorldNet Daily

q) The Secular Web

r) Desiring God

s) The Founders

t) Coral Ridge Ministries

u) Ligonier ministries

v) Best of the Web

w) Human Events

x) New York Times

y) Touchstone

z) Chalcedon

3.How much do the political views of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

a) The only factor

b) The major factor

c) A minor factor

d) Not a factor

e) Undecided

4. How much do the religious views of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

a) The only factor

b) The major factor

c) A minor factor

d) Not a factor

e) Undecided

5. How much does the lifestyle of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

a) The only factor

b) The major factor

c) A minor factor

d) Not a factor

e) Depends on how she looks in a wet T-shirt

6.Is Centuri0n an evil genius?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Takes one to know one.

d) Never thought about it

7.Is the Centuri0n evil, but not a genius?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Evil is relative

8.Is the Centuri0n an evil wannabe genius?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Which noun does “wannabe” modify: “evil” or “genius”?

d) IQ tests are culturally insensitive

e) I’m too dumb to choose

9.Is it worse to be an evil genius, or just plain evil?

a) The former

b) The latter

c) Do I get to experiment before answering?

10.Do you see where this survey leads?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Can the Centuri0n take his survey back?


  1. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but question #5 has an option that seems rather out of place on a Christian blog.


  2. 1.Which of the following do you use?

    d, e, f, h (when the pigeons don't get through)

    2. Which of the following weblogs have you frequented over the last 60 days? (check all that apply)

    some of the above

    3.How much do the political views of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

    John Deere or International? That is the question!

    4. How much do the religious views of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

    I like steaks.

    5. How much does the lifestyle of the blogger influence your lurking habits?

    one of the above

    6.Is Centuri0n an evil genius?

    Not a chance.

    7.Is the Centuri0n evil, but not a genius?

    If he keeps playing with templates, he may give me enough of a headache to call him "evil."

    8.Is the Centuri0n an evil wannabe genius?

    Are we there yet?

    9.Is it worse to be an evil genius, or just plain evil?

    I have to go to the bathroom.

    10.Do you see where this survey leads?

    Do I get paid for this?

  3. Option E in Q.5 is rethorical, I suppose.

  4. The SurveyMonkey allows up to 10 questions, and I always feel the need to use all 10 questions.

    And to keep the fire burning here, I'm wondering: isn't it astounding that about 90% of the readers surveyed think that Homosexuality is a sin, and that sin is sin, but then network TV is not held up to the same standard as the stuff being produced by ETE?

    I guess it turns out it is OK to watch morally-vacant junk is non-believers produce it, but if believers produce it using the same means of non-believers we're suddenly worried that gay actors are getting work.

    There's an organ out there with a monkey attached to it, and the monkey is wearing a t-shirt that says "who am I to judge the non-believer?" I'm waiting for one of the guys at T-blog to start grinding that organ.

  5. 1. b and e.
    2. a, b, c, f, j, and possibly one of the others. Do you expect me to remember every blog I've visited in the last 60 days!!? And why isn't Free St. George's on the list?
    4. a.
    5. 'Lifestyle' is a meaningless word. It is too broad, too long, and altogether the wrong size and shape.
    6. Define 'evil genius'. After which I shall attempt to plead the Fifth ammendment.
    7. I take the Fifth.
    8. See above.
    9. b. Evil stupidity offends me.
    10. b. It sounds like a 'Gospel Rambler' (definition of a certain type of preacher).

    Endnotes: The Highland Host is British, and so may not have answered all of Centuri0n's questions in an intelligable manner. In fact, I would be amazed if I had! Just for information: My TV watching habits are practically restricted to watching the news and other factual programmes (plus Doctor Who) on someone else's TV, as I have enough Scottish blood to be too mean to pay £1,350 for a TV licence as well as paying seventy quid for a cheap TV with a screen too small for my short-sighted eyes to actually watch.

    (Note: Owing to recent changes in goverment legislation the amount for the TV licence shown here may have been inlated by as much as a factor of ten)

  6. I note that I somehow avoided point 3. Or rather I failed to see it. Personally I am thoroughly sick of politics. The Tory party, despite getting my support, has now dropped every policy I supported, leaving me with no party for which I can vote. They are ALL AS BAD AS EACH OTHER (apart from the Liberal Democrats, who are worse), and therefore, the more a blog mentions politics, the less I read it.

    And, of course, I frankly do not care too much about the internal politics of foreign countries so long as they do not involve deifying dead presidents, murdering thousands of their own citizens, depriving people of their human rights, and supressing Christianity.
    We have too much of that over here already.

  7. 1. b, e, i

    2. a ,b, c, d (that was on Monday- I am insane on Mondays), f, j, s

    3. c

    4. b

    5. b

    6. c

    7. a

    8. c

    9. c

    10. a
