
Thursday, August 25, 2005

On missing the point

As Frank Turk would have it: “Did you notice that Hays hedged his bets? Seems like he's missing the point.”

Perhaps he’d like to enlighten me as to what point I’m missing. To begin with, I withheld comment until I had the full text of Robertson’s remarks. That, I regard, as a preliminary to responsible criticism--a quaint notion, I know.

I then proceeded to sort through his arguments, one-by-one, sifting the good from the bad—rather than, as so many others have done, simply emoting in a fit of inchoate pique.

What he is pleased to call “hedging my bets,” I am pleased to call rational analysis—as in actually engaging the arguments put forward by the individual in question.


  1. In the spirit of blogumenicism, I offer an apology for short-sheeting a reply to your post. Of all the people I interact with on a blogly basis, you certainly deserve better.

  2. The Turkoman proves, once again, that he's a better man than me. Of course, using myself as the standard of comparison sets the bar pretty low, so perhaps I should add, as Lt. Worf would say, that Frank is a "much" better man than I.
