
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The cultural mandate

For some odd reason, Camp has chosen to align himself with the Klineans. He has a link to Chad Bresson’s blog, which has, in turn, multiple links to other Klinean shrines.

Apparently Mr. Camp is one of those individuals who judges a book by its cover, for had he bothered to crack open the book and look inside, he’d have seen that even Meredith Kline upholds the cultural mandate. Contrary to Kline, Camp is confounding cult with culture by turning everyday into Sunday.


Culture: that aspect of life pertaining to all of life (horizontal). Culture is larger than literature and the fine arts. It refers to all areas of life other than cult: man's kingly duties as summarized in the dominion mandate (Gen 1:26, 28). Family, society, technology, civic life, politics, architecture, medicine, etc., are part of culture. What we do during the other six days of the week is primarily cultural activity (except for prayer, etc.).


1 comment:

  1. I think it would be a huge help to Camp and company to read H. Richard Niebuhr's Christ & Culture. Unfortunately, I do not think they realize that they are actually a part of culture. Because they think they are outside of culture, they do not realize that they are being shaped by culture's movement.

    This is one of the points that I attempt to make concerning the Enlightenment's impact upon Princeton and Amsterdam. Would our fundamentalist brothers/sisters be willing to admit that their own theology, not just those they disagree with, is impacted by the age?
