
Friday, April 23, 2004

I'm glad you asked-1

Unbelievers have raised a number of objections to the Christian faith—objections ranging from epistemology and Bible criticism to science and ethics. In the following series of installments I'll reply to these objections.


1. Epistemology:
(i) God-Talk
(ii) Divine Silence
(iii) Coherence of Theism:
(a) Divine Attributes
(b) Trinity
(c) Incarnation
(iv) Freudian faith
2. Bible Criticism:
(i) Miracles
(ii) Mythology
(iii) Contradictions
3. Science:
(i) Creation
(ii) Flood
(iii) Physicalism
4. Ethics:
(i) Problem of Evil
(ii) Hell
(iii) Holy War
(iv) Slavery
(v) Imprecatory Psalms
(vi) Original Sin
(vii) Predestination
(viii) Euthyphro Dilemma
(ix) Crimes of Christianity
(x) Christian Chauvinism

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