
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

United by “Victim Status”. Where does your “victim status” rank?

In this approximately four-minute video, Ben Shapiro shines the light on “the multiple avenues through which racial and gender expression are experienced”, and how various victim statuses now work together under the umbrella of “intersectionality”, to enhance the political impact of the various victim groups that have been and are continually being created:


  1. Sadly, this has been going on for years. At first I found it odd that Blacks, or LGBT folks supported/participated in, say, anti-Israel propaganda (and vice-versa), but it gradually became clear where this was all going: unite to fight the big enemy; everything else being secondary, or worse, not worthy of discussion.

    1. It's been going on for years, but I think that guys like Shapiro (and others like Roger Scruton and David Horowitz and Prager and yes, even folks like Jordan Peterson now and even former leftists like Dave Rubin and Bret Weinstein are catching on to what's going on, and showing how the methodology works. Still, Christians especially haven't been catching on, and instead, many are getting swept up in (and unwittingly repeating) the leftist manipulations. It's going to take a good deal of understanding of how the different groups define different things, and going through a good bit of sorting out, to have a good impact.

    2. Trouble is, we live in an age where Christians just want to be accommodating. Biblical, common sense categories give way to 'compassion' and 'tolerance' of every perverted new fad. This in turn brings an unholy alliance between these timid Christians, nominal Christians and secular society, who join together to take the moral high ground and thus perpetuate this nonsense.

    3. The GREATEST threats to the Church is not external, but from within. This has been from the beginning.

  2. Thanks for putting this one up; this video on "Intersectionality" and the one by Jordan Peterson, about Universities and University Professors, are two of the most insightful analysis of root problems with our modern culture and society.

    1. Thanks Ken -- I suspect that with the popularity of Peterson, and some of these other guys who are describing this same phenomenon, that it won't be too long before people figure out what's going on. That's one of the good things about the Internet.

    2. The key group here, IMO, are the Blacks because the Leftists heavily rely on them. The other groups dont have the numbers to change anything significantly if the Blacks dont back them. Until the black community starts seeing reason, starts taking responsibility of their actions (or lack thereof), deny victim status, and take control of their lives, it will be an uphill task to fight the Left. They really need to take their own like Sowell seriously. And yes, it appears the Christian churches have been gullible too.

      Alternatively, most of our dilemmas in general will be resolved if facts are preferred over reason - but that is asking too much too soon.
