
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Rice Christians

"A Working Class Manual On How To Reach The Middle Classes With The Gospel Of Jesus" by Mez McConnell.


  1. One can have two approaches to reaching the Middle Class. One is to know how to reach the Lower Class and wait. The other is to know how to present the Gospel to a consumer-oriented person with just enough accommodation to reach them but not so much that we make believing in Christ an after-life insurance product that one places in an online shopping cart.

    Here I struggle with blending the latter approach without compromising salvation by faith alone.

  2. BTW, in case some people don't already know, Mez McConnell wrote the above as a tongue-in-cheek piece on April Fool's Day.

  3. Patrick,
    Part of my response was tongue-in-cheeck. But the other part is something that has bothered me for a while and would like a response from those interested.

    1. For starters, it'd help if you dropped your promotion and support for same-sex marriage. It might seem loving and all to you to support same-sex marriage. But the problem is you're not actually helping people see their need for the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because you're allowing them to continue living in their sin. It's not genuine repentance if you're still living in sin.

      Also, check out how a bona fide Bible-centered church like John Piper's church does it. See how a ministry like 9Marks helps build healthy churches.
